Workforce: Adaptable and Inclusive
The Hub Strategic Plan details a number of strategic outcomes for the Tasmanian Forestry Workforce:
- Workforce flexibility and the ability to work across the value chain.
- An available, diverse and skilled workforce with no barriers to participation.
- Clear and known career pathways into and within the industry.
- Training that meets needs and utilises industry skills and knowledge.
The Tasmanian workforce is ageing, and we must address barriers to participation, skills gaps, challenges in employing trainees due to short-term contracts, generational attitudes to work, diversity in gender and culture, the increasing use of AI and technology, potential market segment growth and expectations. It is also often difficult to attract new workers to a highly-skilled industry where competing sectors like mining offer higher remuneration.
It’s widely agreed that these escalating workforce issues are not sustainable for the future of the industry. The key to positive workforce change is collaborative and co-ordinated responses from industry leaders, educators, trainers and policymakers. This will require strong leadership and adequate resources to tackle both systemic and adaptive challenges.
Hub Priority Projects
Current Projects
Adaptable + Inclusive: A Regional Forestry Workforce
This project is aimed at facilitating collaboration in workforce, employment and training across and within the Tasmanian forestry sector by fostering diversity and addressing barriers to recruitment and retention. It seeks to support the uptake of modern employment practices and address skills gaps including those in technology, AI and mechanisation.
Forest industry employers are invited to participate in this project by attending a workshop on 11 February 2025 in Launceston.
Completed Projects
2023 Workforce, Skills and Training Project: Career Mapping
Download Career Mapping Report
The Tasmanian Forestry sector faces current skills and labour challenges. Responding to these challenges is important to position the Tasmanian Forestry sector as an important, sustainable industry that makes a valued contribution to Tasmania’s ongoing economic and social prosperity. The overarching objective for this work was to inform the Tasmania Forest Hub (the Hub) and industry on strategic activity to address labour and skills shortages, particularly related to high priority roles.
You can view a short video summary of this project from Dr Anna Carew here.
2020 Culture, Training and Skills Assessment Report
Download Culture, Training and Skills Assessment Report
Completed November 2020, this report provides a strategic assessment of culture, skills and training for the Hub and provides a series of recommendations regarding opportunities and barriers to expansion of the Tasmanian forestry sector.