Value Chain + Infrastructure

This Hub Priority is to support growth through long-term value chain and infrastructure planning, increased local manufacturing and processing and investment in value-adding products.

Robust infrastructure planning and delivery enhances Tasmanian communities, and supports our growing population and economy. Efficient supply chains support growth by providing critical links to suppliers, and by enhancing product markets. This can encourage innovation and new investment attraction.

Hub Priority Projects

Current Projects

2024 A Case Study: Commercial building with solid wood products in Tasmania

There are considerable investment opportunities for Tasmania identified in the Demand Study and there a number of recommendations for further work. Some of these include investment in product development and market development opportunities. Through understanding the supply chain opportunities and challenges in using solid wood products in commercial buildings, there is an increased ability to support industry growth through improved understanding of supply and future on-island manufacturing opportunities.

You can view a short video summary of the project by Dr Louise Wallis here.

Completed Projects

Hub Demand Study – Summary Report (June 2022)

Download Tasmania Forestry Hub Demand Study Summary Report June 2022

Completed in June 2022, this demand study informs the forests and forest product sector on opportunities to make investments for sustainable growth through
to 2050 and beyond. It details a positive demand outlook across most of Tasmania’s wood product groups underpinned by:

  • The core attributes of the Tasmanian timber products;
  • Forecast growth in Australia’s population and gross domestic product through to 2050;
  • Supply scarcity for log production and wood products produced in Tasmania and other states – most notably native forest hardwood timbers, but also plantation wood managed for structural timber and engineered wood product applications; and
  • Policy drivers at both the national and state level, supporting the use and procurement of ‘renewable’ wood products, from sustainably managed forests.

Forestry Infrastructure Opportunities in Southern Tasmania Final Report

Download Tasmania Hub Southern Tasmania Infrastructure Final Report

Completed in July 2021, this report is a detailed assessment of the infrastructure priorities for the development of the southern Tasmanian forestry industry and summarises infrastructure opportunities for port, rail and road for the:

  • Short Term (1-5 years)
  • Medium Term (5-15 years)
  • Long Term (15-30 years)

Supply Chain and Infrastructure Assessment Report

Download Supply Chain and Infrastructure Final Report

Completed in October 2020, this report details the current state of forestry supply chains and infrastructure, the opportunities and barriers for forestry and the constraints effecting productivity. Recommendations are grouped into four categories:

  • Enhance market access and efficiency
  • Explore forest products value-add and differentiation opportunities
  • Improve supply chain and infrastructure visibility
  • Improve workforce development, skills and career pathways