Want to estimate a property carbon footprint?
With a few simple clicks, a landowner can have an idea of the carbon footprint on their property using the Carbon Footprint Estimator.
Developed by the Hub in collaboration with Private Forests Tasmania, and launched at this year’s Agfest Field Days, the Carbon Estimator provides an opportunity for Tasmanian private landowners to gain a quick indicator of their carbon impact and be engaged in a forestry conversation. Taking only a couple of minutes to complete, the tool is a simple platform collecting three pieces of data from each user:
- How they use their land – grazing and or remnant vegetation
- Livestock on their property, by number or DSE
- Amount of bushland or vegetation (including plantation forests)

This information is used to calculate and Estimated Annual Carbon amount, and subsequently, an indication of whether the property is emitting or sequestering carbon.
An indication of how many hectares of plantation forest could further offset carbon emissions is also included.
The landowner can then opt to have their results sent to them and then be contacted with more information.
Go to www.carbonestimator.net.au to use this new tool to estimate your carbon footprint.